We are a group of Americans who trademarked this “equation for America” because we feel it is a slogan which promotes UNITY in our country. America is at its best when we all work together!
It really doesn’t matter who is defined as “US” or “THEM” because it is these differing viewpoints which makes America the greatest democracy on earth - adding up to "WE" - as in WE THE PEOPLE.
"US" and "THEM" can be republicans and democrats, Christians and Muslims, citizens and immigrants, White and Black, etc. etc. There’s a reason we didn’t use the math operations of division and subtraction in this equation. We think the country has seen enough of that the last few years.
This is a non-partisan message promoted by people who want to see the country work together again. This is not a democrat, republican, or independent venture. We want to see America working for everyone. That is simply what these “three words and two math symbols” are all about!
Plenty of gear is forthcoming - t shirts, hats, etc.
For now, please contact us to get YOUR official US + THEM = WE bumper sticker!
Finally, there’s an old rock song by Canned Heat that fully embodies our mindset. The song is called “Let’s Work Together” (originally written by Wilbur Harrison) and its lyrics sum up the bumper sticker: “Together we stand, divided we fall, so c’mon people, let’s get on the ball and WORK TOGETHER!”